24 December 2007

Corruption and some Solution!!!!!

Ever wondered what corruption is? Why corruption exists? Where corruption exists? The answer is quite simple but not pleasing. Corruption could be anything from taking/giving bribes, taking favours and to some extent it is also done to create a public image. In India, corruption exists voluminously in all the sectors. But one question is not all that easy to answer. Why Corruption exists?

Corruption is a deadly weapon which has the power of creating a permanent damage. It is in a way deadlier than the nuclear bombs. Lets just do a quick analysis on where we find corruption.
1. Government establishments
2. Government Undertakings.
3. Cinema Industry
4. Private Industries
5. Sports Sectors(In a way Govt Undertaking)
Going by the list above, it clearly explains us that it is present everywhere.

In Government Establishments & Undertakings the form of corruption existing is very different than that exists elsewhere but since the presence of corruption is HIGH here, its understood most of them mistake it as the only form of corruption.

One will have to shell out extra money to get a piece of land allocated, but this extra money here refers to the bribe we pay and not the money given to the middle-men. For a retired employee, he will have to pay bribe to get his money back in the form of pension. For an employee who does not have money to pay up his medical expenses will have to give bribe to get his medical reimbrusment money.

In a country where Prostitution, Child Labour, etc are illegal, the rules are not valid for certain class of people. This class of people include Politicians, Police Officers, Civil Servants(Higher Position),etc. We have read in the past that a police officer was suspended because of flesh trade, but by the time action was taken its disgusting to know how many innocent lives were snatched. In the valley state(Jammu and Kashmir) a recent finding about a politician running a brothel was silenced down within no time, possibly because of the brilliant nexus between the Investigating officers and the Politicians. I am pretty sure there are lakhs of such incidents.

Talking about the cinema industry, the corruption that exists here is in a totally different form. Here, instead of taking money they give you money but sexual favours are on top of thier mind. India is a country which has strong cultural values unlike the west and sexual favours here is definately a mighty form of corruption. In a more appropriate way, its called as "Casting Couch". 80% of the present day female leads have undergone this trauma just to make a career out of this and the number just increases when it comes to supporting cast. But what comes as a rude surprise is the new trend of male casting couch. Its disgusting to know that a bunch of powerful people are misusing a helpless girl who wants to make a living out of the art called acting.

Moving on to the private industry, here again sexual favours are present widely. Here the female employees are harassed by their senior male colleagues. Also, the disturbing fact is that promotions, pay hike are kind of dependent on the sexual favours.

In the sports sector one might wonder what type of corruption exists. But given a fact that with a population greater than one billion and only one medal per olympics is shameful. Do you think this is happening because of the dearth in talent? No, this is because the talented bunch are not given opportunity, instead people with money and power have thier say on who should play and who should not. The best example is, recently the Karnataka State Cricket Association(KSCA) team had to drop one interesting and extremely talented young lad to accomodate Mr. Udit Patel. Needless to say whose son he is.

Do you think the culprits can be punished? No, mainly because the main culprits here are people who enjoy the top most positions in the country/state(Politicians and Civil servants). When the people who are vested the responsiblity of cleaning a room misuse the opportunity in dirtying the room, the hopes, the dreams ends there.

Is there no remedy? Yes, there is definately a solution. The first step that is to be taken now is exposure. Second step should be action.

Media houses are definately doing a decent job in exposing the crimes happening around but this is the high time they consider Corruption too as a crime and expose more of corruption affairs happening around. Although, there was Tehelka and few other sting operations, I must confess it was just like a small fish in a ocean. Also, the latest trend of nexus between media houses and the politicians is definately an alarm for the mightiest disaster waiting to happen.
When the media houses start exposing more and more of corruption, I am pretty sure it will come down to a certain extent.

Whats the role of common people here? nothing? No, the common man must be judicious when selecting the public representative(Politician). The wrong choice he makes here definately has some effect on the country's growth. Also when a civil servant exposed for involvement in corruption is treated like a 'piece of shit' by people around him, he will start considering of correcting himself from then on because after all the mindset of most of the Indians is simillar.

Only when the corruption comes down, the mafia, intra-country terrorism, women harassment, etc will come to a grinding halt.

Wake-up India, Wake-up. Its high time before the fire of corruption sweeps our country and make it a dead man's land.


Sunny said...

Well i totally agree with you Suhas. I guess you have talked about something that leads for Corruption. Well i personally feel that things like Lokayukta n stuff were doing pretty good job in bringing out the corruption that exists. But don you think that the current politics have made their life tough??? I rarely see any news these days about people getting caught at the hands of Lokayukta. I think Lokayukta and other Organizations should be given enough power to work against corruption.

Sudhanva said...

Hi suhas,
The problem is in the root.These people don deserve to stay on this earth,Instead of killing innicent people,we should shoot these guys at sight.They are of no use to the country anyway.